FanFic:Number Problem

From TrainSpottingWorld, for Rail fans everywhere

Number Problem is the 25th episode of the telvision series The Sodor Engines.


Freddie and Ivo Hugh meet for the first time. The two argue over their numbers and get into trouble. Later, they have to work together to rescue the other engines. Both apologize to each other and decide to keep their numbers.


Narrator: It was a rainy winter day on the Skarloey railway. All of the engines were hard at work. At last, the Thin Controller (Mr. Percival) let the engines rest. Skarloey, Rheneas, Freddie, and Rusty were talking when they heard a distant whistle.

Mr. Percival: Freddie, may I speak to you for a moment?

Narrator: The two had a short conversation, and then Freddie returned. The sound of the locomotive was much louder now.

(Locomotive rounds the bend)

Narrator: Suddenly an engine appeared. He was the same shade of red as Skarloey and Rheneas, but was bigger with large side tanks. Freddie reversed slightly behind Rheneas until his cab was obscured.

Rusty: Freddie, what are you doing?

Freddie: Just ignore it. I can’t let him see my number.

Peter Sam: Who?

Narrator: Just then, Skarloey gave a wheesh of excitement.

Skarloey: Ivo Hugh! Good to see you again!

Ivo Hugh: Good to see you too, Skarloey. And you, Rheneas, Sir Handel, Peter Sam, Rusty, and Duncan. But who’re you?

(Ivo Hugh looks towards Freddie)

Mr. Percival: I believe you two haven’t met. This is Fearless Freddie, number 8.

Duncan: But Freddie’s not number 8, he’s number-

Freddie: Shush!

Ivo Hugh: Fearless Freddie, eh? I sure hope you can live up to your name on this railway. Could you roll closer?

Freddie: Ummm…..

Peter Sam: Come on Freddie!

(Peter Sam shoves Freddie forwards. Ivo Hugh sees Freddie's number)

Ivo Hugh: Seven?!

Mr. Percival: I can explain. Ivo, we bought Freddie before we made you. He stayed with us until he had a bad accident and was sent away for an overhaul. We needed a new engine, so I made Ivo Hugh. You had been gone so long I had almost forgotten you, Freddie. Then we loaned Ivo Hugh to another railway, Freddie came back, and, well . . . .

Ivo Hugh: You realize there’s only one way to settle this.

Mr. Percival (in a hopeful tone): Working together peacefully until one of you gets repainted?

(Zooms out to show Freddie and Ivo Hugh facing each other on the same track with two trucks coupled in front of each of them)

Ivo Hugh: Charge!!!!!!!!!!!!

Narrator: The two raced towards each other.

(The trucks fall to bits almost instantly on contact, and Freddie and Ivo Hugh ende up derailed and still puffing hard)

Mr. Percival: Just what were you doing?

Freddie: Sorry, Mr. Percival, but it’s the traditional engine way of settling arguments. It’s the equivalent of a duel.

Mr. Percival: Well, I suppose you'll have to be repaired. Duncan Will take you to Crovan's Gate.

Narrator: The two engines were put back on the rails and Duncan helped them to Crovan Gate.

(Cut to Crovan's Gate)

Narrator: At Crovan’s Gate, both engines were swiftly repaired and were resting when Duke limped in.

Duke: Mudslide... trapped... lake rising... need help. Splutter! Cough!

Yardmaster: The only way the rescue train will get there is if you work together.

(Freddie and Ivo Hugh look at each other)

Freddie and Ivo Hugh: Do we have to?

Narrator: But Freddie and Ivo Hugh collected the workman and started off. All traces of rivalry were removed as they struggled through the storm, up hills and through valleys.

(Rescue music plays. Cut to Freddie and Ivo Hugh pulling Skarloey and Rheneas free from the mud)

Narrator: The workmen were soon digging at the mudslide while Freddie and Ivo Hugh helped the engines through to safety.

(Cut to sheds)

Narrator: That evening, after the rain stopped, the two were sitting side by side outside the shed.

Ivo Hugh: I’m sorry I stole your number.

Freddie: I’m sorry I got so mad about it. You know, I’ve heard that seven is a magical number.

Ivo Hugh: Magic enough to have it as the number for two engines on the same railway?

Freddie: I suppose so.

Narrator: And the two friends watched the sun set over the mountains.


  • Freddie
  • Ivo Hugh
  • Mr. Percival
  • Peter Sam
  • Skarloey
  • Duncan
  • Duke
  • Sir Handel (cameo)
  • Rusty (cameo)
  • Rheneas (cameo)

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The Sodor Engines

North Western Railway • The Skarloey Railway


Railway Characters • Rolling Stock • Off-rail Vehicles

Main Characters

NWR #1 - Thomas the Tank Engine  • NWR #2 - Edward the Blue Engine  • NWR #3 - Henry the Green Engine  • NWR #4 - Gordon the Big Engine  • NWR #5 - James the Red Engine  • NWR #6 - Percy the Small Engine  • NWR #7 - Toby the Tram Engine  • NWR #8 - Duck the Great Western Engine  • NWR #12 - Emily the Emerald Engine  • NWR #14 - Rosie the Pink Tank Engine

Movie Characters

Diesel 10 the Experimental Engine  • Stephen the Borrowed E4  • City of Wellsworth the WSK 3700  • Eve the 9F


1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7


1: Welcome to Sodor  • 14: Annie and Clarabel's Runaway Ride  • 15: The Greatest Escape  • 22: Thomas and Rosie  • 25: Number Problem  • 41: Bossy Boiler  • 51: Trucks for Coaches • 80: Engineitis


Sodor • How Tidmouth Was Built • The Great Railway Show


Global Railways Productions  • HIT Entertainment


Tales from Southampton Harbor


Electronic Media  • Sodor Railway System