Oh, hi, I'm S.C.Ruffeyfan from Wikipedia. You can see my wiki account here: [1]
I loved trains and Thomas ever since I was a baby and I will never grow out of it. I also like computers, McDonald's, Star Wars, Theodore Tugboat, TUGS, Shining Time Station and The Simpsons. I am currently building a OO-gauge model railway for my Thomas series The Thomas Adventures.
Nice folk
I would say: Dalek X, EdJogg, Bluegoblin7, Tim Trent and other users I can't remember.

My interests
Mr Bean (animated and live)
and many more!
About Me
I was born in London. I used to play the drums and I enjoy watching TV and getting model trains for my model railway. I have the Mallard, Flying Scotsman, BR Industrial 0-4-0 Tank Engine, Smokey Joe, Thomas(with Annie and Clarabel), Percy, D7101, Devious Diesel, Little Giant, Toby (with x3 open wagons) and Bachmann Spencer, Emily and some composite coach. I enjoy making movies on Windows Movie Maker and using Microsoft Paint. I have enjoyed making 'Death of Barney the Dinosaur' movies. Let the dino die!
My personality
Happy as always.
What I do
I contribute to the Thomas articles, collect model trains, go on YouTube (no account there), watch TV, go on wiki and (against my will) go to school :-(
What I take part in
Workforce: TTTE
Workforce: STS
Workforce: Fan-fic
Articles I made
Fan-fic characters
Copyright. Alex 2007
The Thomas Adventures
The Thomas Adventures is my own series about Thomas and his friends. A new character appears all the time and a few real things happen too. Every episode is 100 percent clean so there is no adult material at all. Episode Guide: Thomas Helps Out, A Hamburger Too Many, Fire at the Dock, LNER Gordon, Toby the Fortune Teller, The Trouble with Gordon, The Fat Man and his Cooking, Fallout(Season Finale)MOVIE:The Thomas Movie
Thomas the Tank Engine
Edward the Blue Engine
Henry the Green Engine
Gordon the Big Engine
James the Red Engine
Percy the Small Engine
Toby the Tram Engine
Smokey Joe
The Fat Controller
Devious Diesel
The Diesel
Bill and Ben
Old Slow Coach
Troublesome Trucks
Annie and Clarabel
Episode Summaries
Thomas Helps Out- When Toby runs into a log on the line, there's only one engine to help-Thomas!
A Hamburger too Many- A new McDonalds opens on Sodor, which leads The Fat Controller to eat, and you know the rest.
Fire at the Dock- A new tugboat comes to Sodor, and his name is George. When he is rude to the engines, Smokey Joe, Alex and Louis decide to start a fire...
LNER Gordon- Gordon is assigned to the LNER for a test run as he's getting old. While there, he has to conquer his fear of fast trains!
Toby the Fortune Teller- When Toby tells James it's going to rain and it does, the engines think he knows the future. It leads Toby to rage and let's say the engines get scrapped.
The Trouble with Gordon- Gordon has a washdown and it goes to his head. What will make him come to his senses? A crash, that's what!
The Fat Man and his Cooking- When The Fat Controller cooks for his boss, his boss says its the best meal ever, which makes him think he's on TV.
Fallout- When James and Thomas fallout on each other, it leads Percy to think Thomas is a bully, which makes Thomas unpopular.
The Narrow Gauge Engines
The Narrow Gauge Engines is a series about the narrow gauge engines and Spin-off to The Thomas Adventures (see above). Episode Guide: Elementary,My Dear Watson, First Day at the Quarry, Madge's Big Moment, Peter Sam's Splash, A Midnight Mix-Up(Season Finale)MOVIE: The Narrow Gauge Engines Movie
Sir Handel
Peter Sam
Episode Summaries
Elemantary, My Dear Watson- A new engine called Watson arrives. When he takes the school route, he thinks the school is bad as kids are eating chips. What will happen?
First Day at the Quarry- Skarloey has his first day at the quarry, and doesn't know what to do, with his old age and makes up what to do as he goes along. Typical...
Madge's Big Moment- Madge thinks she's just a slow old granny and that no-one likes her, but when she's asked to participate in a Scammel lorry race, will Madge be able to win?
Peter Sam's Splash- Peter Sam is hypnotised by Watson to be a daredevil, which leads Peter Sam to start running late... because he makes a splash in Elephant Park.
A Midnight Mix Up- The Little Engines are all told to make a midnight run. Peter Sam and Sir Handel take the mail, Watson and Skarloey take cattle, Bertram and Smudger take a pipe organ to the church, Rusty and Duke take track maintenance while Rheneas and Duncan take The Thin Controller to a meeting. Then comes the mix-up...
MOVIE:The Narrow Gauge Engines Movie- Peter Sam makes a discovery on the narrow gauge railway; a lost city. There are preparations amde and the Thin Controller brings a new engine called Will to help. Peter Sam worries that Will will steal his spotlight, so plays a trick on him to make him look silly. The trick backfires, and Peter Sam runs away. Can the engines find him?
Alex Stuff
Alex Stuff is a series about all the stuff I make up. It features the situations I face in life. Characters are me, my brother Tom, my mum, my friends and everyone I know.Episode Guide: A day in the life of Alex, Elevator Boots, A Weirdo and the internet, Kid for sale, Lights, Camera, Action!(Season Finale)MOVIE: Alex Stuff Movie Thing.
Alex- An average 13 year old boy who believes in curses. He is a big weirdo and is nuts about the internet.
Ross- Friend of Alex. Likes football. Has a huge taste for adventure.
Callum- Another friend of Alex. Addicted to videogames. Pretty shy.
Tom- Annoying brother of Alex. Has a huge taste for sci-fi. SECRET AMBITION: To rule the world!
Mrs Thomas- Alex, Ross, Jacob, Louis, Ellie, Jamie and Callum's teacher. Strict but fair.
Jacob- Alex's best friend.
Ellie- Yet another friend of Alex. Highly skilled.
Jamie- Alex's friend. Loves football.
Louis- Alex's best friend ever. Both pull daring stunts and always on adventures with Alex.
Episode Summaries
A Day in the life of Alex- We watch Alex's average day. Caught on tape by Your kid stuff!
Elevator Boots- When Alex complains about being small, he decides on getting tall: the hard way!
A weirdo and the Internet- Alex and his friends have dreams that they become weirdos obsessed with the internet.
Kid for Sale- Jamie has a jumble sale, with Tom being a mascot. Tom then gets bought by Ross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lights, Camera, Action!- The kids decide to make a movie. With Alex as director, nothing will be good!
MOVIE: Alex Stuff Movie Thing- When Alex loses a baseball game for the school, he and Louis run away. This leads to a rescue led by Tom and all Alex's friends (with a few people Alex doesn't really like) to rescue the teenagers they know and uh, love. But when some evil man named Professor Bigbutt kidnaps the two, this leads to an escape led by Alex and several other men and women he's kidnapped. Will they escape? Find out on 14 August 2010! Sorry for the wait!
33 Productions
33 Productions is where The Thomas Adventures, Big Harbor Adventures, The Narrow Gauge Engines and Alex Stuff are made. It is founded by Letromickaday Hydeelo. Not really! I found it myself. Based in England.
Big Harbor Adventures
Big Harbor Adventures is my own series about Theodore Tugboat and his friends. Episode Guide: Ghost Tug, Sunshine, The Lost Cargo, Hank on a Boat, Pugwash's Discovery(Season Finale)MOVIE: Big Harbor Adventures: The Movie
- Theodore Tugboat: The main character, Theodore wears a red baseball cap and enjoys harbor life. Probably meant to represent the average child, Theodore's personality is kind and fun-loving, but he is inclined to misbehave on occasion. Also, he can become angered when others label him as "small", "cute", or "too little".
- Hank: Hank (the Volcano, as he sometimes calls himself) is assumedly the youngest tug of the fleet. Recognizable in his blue toque, Hank is the only tugboat who is not an "ocean tug" (a tug that is eligible to work outside the harbor). He has brittle and delicate feelings, and is more sensitive than the other tugs, and the smallest.
- Foduck "the Vigilant": The fleet's fire and rescue tug, Foduck is the second largest tugboat. He carries additional spotlights, a fire nozzle, and a rotating transceiver. He wears a dark red firehat as well. As a "V" tug, Foduck is fully-qualified to make ocean voyages, but his fire and safety duties usually keep him close to the Big Harbor. Foduck has a self-centred, overconfident, and proud air that can annoy his comrades and get him into trouble. He tries to assume leadership most of the time, but has a soft spot or two in his heart.
- Emily "the Vigorous": The single female in the fleet, Emily wears a turquoise fishing hat and is a good friend of Theodore. She often gets herself into trouble by biting off more than she can chew, or straying out of bounds. But Emily is willing to help out in any situation, and every lesson she learns, she takes to heart. Emily enjoys traveling to foreign ports, and engaging in cross-cultural exchanges with ships visiting the Big Harbor.
- George "the Valiant": George is the largest tugboat, and has two smoke stacks instead of one. He is pompous, prideful, and haughty most of the time. He wears a purple baseball cap backwards, and is the strongest of the group. George is also blunt, and gets himself into trouble by being reckless, careless and putting down other tugs. But despite his mostly gruff character, George is a hard worker and a devoted one.
- The Dispatcher: A rotating building on the Great Ocean Tug and Salvage Company Dock (the place in the harbor where the tugs live). A fatherly figure, The Dispatcher assigns the tugs to one or more tasks that are carried out through the course of the episode. He rebukes the tugs when need be, but he gives them counselling and practical advice.
- The Harbormaster: The narrator of the series.
- Owan the Oil Rig: Owan is a loudmouth, Barney Fife-type, boisterous oil rig outside the harbor. He always yells instead of talks (save for one occasion where he told Theodore about Oliver the Vast, in which case, he whispered). He is anchored by twelve columns and several cables, but the tugs frequently tow him around the water to drill in new locations. His catchphrase is "yessirreebob!" (although he does use "nosirreebob" on occasion). Owan has had a lot of key roles and cameos. His most famous was the episode "Owan on the Loose", where Owan became worried about Sigrid, so he hauled anchor, snapped his safety cables, and moved towards the harbor. He was saved from almost hitting a rock face, when Northumberland warned the tugboats.
- Northumberland Submarine: Northumberland is a black submarine who usually sleeps while off duty. He was once trapped under the surface when he was caught in an underwater rockslide with a broken propeller. He was afraid of Pugwash once when he was afraid of her bumping him. He and Theodore are good friends.
- Digby the Cable Ship: Digby is an old cable-laying ship who is always getting stuck somewhere out on the job. He has a mild East Coast accent. He also says whatever is on his mind even if it is about himself. Digby is good friends with Theodore, and now good friends with Darthmouth the cable ship.
- Brunswick: Brunswick is a barge always looking for thrills and chills. He soon got his wish when a storm made him run aground on some rocks, where as Brunswick thought he had been eaten by a giant clam.
- Constance the Coast Guard Ship: Constance is a coast guard ship who takes almost everything seriously, and whenever her name is mentioned she is noted as an important ship. She hunted for Theodore & Barrington when they were hiding from Petra the Pilot Boat. Constance has been featured in a number of episodes. Her first was when she and Emily were tracking down a rocket, and another was her showing Theodore and Hank the fun things she can do. In the end, she got her dream: To meet Queen Stephanie.
- Guysborough the Garbage Barge: Guysborough has a grumpy personality and calls everyone else "rotten". The only ones who can stand him are Theodore and Digby. His catchphrase is "Theee-o-dorrre!" ... which Theodore once used as a foghorn when the lighthouse was out to prevent a shipwreck, in a hilarious solution to an otherwise serious problem.
- Rebecca the Research Vessel: Rebecca is a research vessel who goes out to sea to find information. She helps her fellow boats find lost artifacts. She is a good friend of Theodore. Rebecca usually heads out with Theodore, Shelburne the Sea barge, and Northumberland to find treasure. First and Second seasons her look was different. She had bigger eyes, no eyebrows, and a grey paint scheme.
- Bedford Buoy: A buoy who lives just outside the harbor near Willy's Island. Very good friends with Theodore. He's had some adventures, such as getting lost due to a broken cable, taken on a tour of the harbour, and at one point, he almost left the harbour with Baddeck.
- Benjamin Bridge: A green suspension bridge who spans one end of the harbor to the other. Many ships have to pass under Benjamin on the way to their docks. The design of this character is based on the Angus L. Macdonald Bridge, the first of two bridges built to connect Halifax and Dartmouth. Benjamin has a knack to snore a lot. On two occasions, Benjamin could have been destroyed. One was the Queen Stephanie getting stuck beneath him, and another being Tex the oil rig almost running into him.
- Sigrid the Supply Ship: A supply ship who helps Owen work. Sigrid also wants to be a tugboat. Sigrid is good friends with the tugboats.
- Carla the Cool Cabin Cruiser: A zany cabin cruiser who runs out of control and causes peer pressure. Mainly hangs out with Emily. Carla also has a knack for giving nicknames. Carla usually refers to The Dispatcher as The Dishwasher.
- Pugwash the Mini-Submarine: A mini submarine who once scared Northumberland by bumping him, but now she knows better and travels the world with Stewiake. She does not like lighthouse fog horns and lighthouse lights. Pugwash was once scared off by Lullenburg, and she hid underwater for some time. Soon enough, Theodore helped her out of the situation.
- Stewiake the Salvage Ship: A ship who loads Pugwash onto him with a cradle. Stewiake loves to explore the coast, with Pugwash as his underwater aide.
- Baddeck the Buoy Boat: A buoy boat who brings new buoys into the harbor. Theodore was once jealous of Baddeck and his relationship with Bedford and Blanford, but they soon became friends.
- Millie: A fishing trawler who wears dw glasses! When she arrived in the harbor, she caused some trouble with her bad eyesight, but gained two friends in Theodore and Hank.
- Truro: A large fishing trawler who lives and cares for Dorothy in Ceilidh's Cove.
- The Ferry Twins: Named Phillip and Philmore, the ferry twins travel in parallel across the harbor beneath Benjamin Bridge carrying freight between both sides. They also like to finish each other's sentences. The twins are modelled after the twin Metro Transit ferries Halifax III and Dartmouth III which were built in 1979 to carry passenegers across Halifax Harbour on a daily basis. Phillip and Philmore are sometimes stubborn, and at one point Philmore left the harbor to visit Fundy.
- Donald Dock: A wooden dock who resides directly across from the Dispatcher. The tugs often block him from view when they're moored. Although the Dispatcher and some of the tugs have spoken to him seeking advice, the only thing Donald can say in reply is "uh-huh". Occasionally, Donald always has the right answer when he gives his advice.
- Jasper: The junk dock on the far side of the harbor where the big harbor's garbage is unloaded and where Guysborough the garbage barge lives when he is not working. Jasper is like the opposite of Donald Dock; the only thing Jasper can say is "nope". It's rumored that Jasper and Donald were built alongside each other.
- Dorothy the Dory: A dory who lives in Ceilidh's Cove with Truro. Looks to both Truro and Theodore as older siblings. Dorothy also got to have a "Girls Night Out" with Emily, Sigrid, and Carla.
- R. Boat: Short for Row boat, R. Boat is a melancholy little boat. He often complains about how gloomy his life is, but wound up becoming good friends with Queen Stephanie and even got to float in her royal swimming pool.
- Blandford Buoy: A buoy who lives right outside the harbor. Is good friends with Bedford. Blandford and Theodore are also good friends, due to Theodore bringing him his new bell.
- Bluenose: A schooner who lives in the harbor. Bluenose holds the record as the fastest boat in the big harbor (seeing as Bluenose has no engine). He is good friends with the tugboats, and one time helped Foduck when seaweed was stuck in his propeller.
- Barrington: A little barge Theodore usually pulls in the harbor. Barrngton and Theodore share a special relationship, as in Theodore and Barrington always play around.
- Bonnavista: A little barge sometimes pulled by Hank. Bonnivista was once stolen by Carla the Cabin Cruiser, so Carla good gain the tugs attention. Bonnivista is very reliable, and most friendly towards Hank.
- Fundy the Fishing Boat: A little fishing boat who says strange things. It is really his way of giving advice. Fundy and Theodore often spoke in the series, and even the Ferry Twins met him, by travelling to his cove!
- Bobby: A big barge sometimes used for salvage operations. Problem is that he never knows what his hook will grab. Bobby appeared in the first two seasons, but disappeared later. Bobby, like other barges, is a good friends of Theodore.
- Bayswater: A good friend of Brunswick. Once called Hank "Bumper-Bum". Bayswater and Brunswick are usually looked after by Theodore.
- Pearl & Petra the Pilot Boats: The harbor's two pilot boats who patrol the harbor to make sure everything is under control. Often Petra plays Hide and Surprise with Theodore and Barrington. Pearl is the more senior of the two pilot boats; interactions with Pearl are more likely to be businesslike and brusque. Both boats also have the authority to overrule the Dispatcher's orders for the tugboats if needed.
- Shelburne: A giant sea barge designed for longer journeys on the open ocean. He sometimes requires two tugs to move. He has a very slow and sluggish nature which is epitomized by his slow speech. Shelburne is often seen helping the tugs raise items up off the ocean floor and back to the surface.
- Haliburton Houseboat: Haliburton lives in an enclosed cove near the Big Harbor. Theodore once thought Haliburton was a haunted houseboat, making him scared. Thanks to Foduck, Theodore and Haliburton became fast friends.
- Nautilus The Navy Ship: Nautilus is the only Navy Ship in the big harbor. He lives near the Oceanic Institute. Nautilus was first seen being docked by Theodore and George, when George wanted to be a navy ship too. His second appearance was his starring role, as he was in charge of saving Canso the container ship, who was sinking. Theodore and the tugboats seem to look up to him a lot.
- Queen Stephanie: The greatest and grandest ocean liner in the world, also the nicest. Occasionally visits the harbor after getting stuck under Benjamin Bridge by accident the first time she appeared in the series. In another, she even had R. Boat in her swimming pool after R. Boat wished he could be big. Apparently, Her Majesty has about 1,001 windows on each of her sides. The Queen holds a special place in her heart for Theodore. She's based on the RMS Queen Elizabeth
- Clementine: A big container ship who came when Theodore first met Clayton and wished that he could lift things like he could. Clementine becomes paranoid whenever anything happens to one of her containers.
- Cumberland: A big container ship who thought he did not need tugs until he met Theodore.
- Catherine: A big container ship who carried a "double" load and gave Theodore and George a time trying to move her.
- Freda: A small cargo ship that got stuck on some rocks outside the harbor but Theodore and George teamed up to pull her to safety. She was the first ship Theodore brought in by himself when he was the 'Tug in Charge'.
- Cocomagh: A container ship who was afraid to come into the harbor, until Foduck convinced her that the Big Harbor was the safest and friendliest harbor in the whole world.
- Caroquette: A container ship Theodore had a hard time with keeping steady when George was doing tough tugging. Caroquette had many speaking roles, including the time where she, Theodore, and Hank had a good laugh when George made a funny noise.
- William B.: A big ship most often seen in cameo appearances being pulled by the tugs. he is seen in the theme song. William B. is probably based on the SS. Arthur M. Anderson.
- Margaret: A large cargo ship that visits the big harbor occasionally. She was seen with Theodore and Hank when they were lost in a thick fog, as well as being pulled by George and Emily most of the time.
- Katherine: A cargo ship who, like Emily, had never met a ship from Russia until Gregor was in the harbor.
- Olympia: An oil tanker brought in when huge packs of sea ice were in the harbor. She almost ran into Willy's Island when Theodore's towrope snapped on him.
- Kirby: A cargo ship loaded with telephone poles from England.
- Julia: First cargo ship that Theodore and Hank brought into the harbor together.
- Inverness: A cargo ship that Hank accidentally offends by calling him "needle-nose".
- Isabel: A largo container ship who was seen in several episodes, Isabel never was introduced properly.
- Annapolis: A cargo ship brought into the harbor when the tugs first met Sigrid the Supply Ship. Her name has no relation to Emily's middle name (which is Annapolis too).
- S.S. Malarkey: A cargo ship who tells stories that, true to his namesake, are nothing but malarkey.
- Seabright: A cargo ship that was afraid of Benjamin Bridge until Theodore explained there's nothing to be afraid of. After Seabright overcame his fear of Benjamin, he soon became frightned of Clayton.
- Elo Echo: A container ship Theodore saved when she was about to hit sharp and dangerous rocks by flashing his light and blowing his horn.
- Louise: A cargo ship Theodore and George brought in the first time they heard that Petra the new Pilot Boat was coming to live in the harbor.
- Cabot: A cargo ship with no self control and who did not care about safety until Theodore taught him a thing or two. After that time he got stuck on the Sandy Beach.
- Cabot's Cargo: After Cabot had let some of his Cargo fall of his deck, Theodore felt bad, until the cargo spoke to him! The first was a Cylinder like Container. The last three included a Crate, A open container, and a red pipe. Other speaking cargo roles include Clayton's Container counterpart.
- Kulu: A story-telling canoe. Saved by Theodore and Foduck when he ran aground on a beach.
- Clair a cargo ship that is loaded with special cargo such as bicycles.
- Canso: A supertanker who had hit rock near the Piktu Peaks and was sinking fast. Apparently, Canso is the king of supertankers, and talks with a very squeaky voice.
- Jennifer: A ship who Emily rescued before Theodore got the assignment to rescue Digby who was stuck on a sandspit.
- Gloria Cornwallis: A ship Emily and Theodore were towing during the time Theodore was having nightmares of a sea monster coming at him in the night. She was also brought in during the time that Foduck was bumping Theodore, as well as the time where George and Emily wouldn't talk to each other.
- Caroline: A container ship Foduck and Emily had trouble with trying to get her to her dock, until George came to help them out.
- Igloo: An oil tanker who helped the tugs out when Clair was beginning to leak oil.
- Chester: A container ship who wanted to have flags during the time the ship and boats of the harbor were having their Flag Day.
- Kingston: Kingston is a cargo ship who has visited the harbor on one or more occasions. He was once frightened of Hank.
- Oliver "The Vast": A tug from another harbor who gave Theodore a hard time. George and Owan seem to have some hatred towards him.
- Scally: A ship who brought treasures as cargo into the harbor. When he gave the tugs some of his treasures, it didn't take long for them to cause confusion. So they decided to return their treasures back to Scally.
- Dartmouth: A giant cable ship who won the attention of all the tugboats when he first arrived in the big harbor. Digby showed him good places to lay cables.
- Tex: An oil rig that was really rude until a storm nearly made him crash into Benjamin Bridge, after which he learned humility.
- Shamus: A fishing trawler that was covered in ice once.
- Gregor: A fishing trawler from Russia whom Emily wanted to meet.
- Walter: A whale character. He is seen in the book "Theodore and the Whale". Walter was sparated from his pack by a strong current. Theodore had been babysitting him until George found his family and was let go before he grew to a tremendous size.
- Emma Sophia: A small ship who Theodore was to bring in to the harbor, loaded with kumquats.
- The Rock Brothers: When Pugwash was hiding from Lullenburg Lighthouse, she discovered the Eekum-Seekum cave, where she meet the three rock brothers (3 pairs of eyes in the cliff). The Rock brothers taunted Pugwash, and Pugwash grew surprised when they mentioned her fear of lighthouses. They have only appeared once.
- Snorri: A Viking ship that arrived at the Big Harbor.
What I hate
Barney the Dinosaur (Die, die, die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Bob the Builder (Build a grave for yourself)
Ben 10 (Change yourself into a dead body)
Underground Ernie (Make your series about kids who beat up the trains)
Ernest the Engine and Others (Can't you move?!?!)
That is all.
Last part
Well, everything said has been said, my friends. So, I have turned over to the Dark Side!!! LOL! If you want more ask me on my talk page. I'm there all the time. See ya! :>-)