Help:Contents/The TSW community

From TrainSpottingWorld, for Rail fans everywhere
The Spotting World community
The Community Portal
Trains department directory
Trains quick directory

Community support

Harmonious editing club - keep the peace, peacefully.
Kindness Campaign - spread kindness and recognition of users.
Reach out - where to go to get your spirits lifted.
Adopt-a-User - experienced editors can "adopt" newer editors, helping to mentor them along the way as they learn about Spotting World.
Stress alerts - alert the community to stressed-out users, so others can help with kind intervention.

Voting and consensus

Feedback by editors, to editors.

Featuring an article
Featuring pictures
Featuring lists
Peer review
Administrator nominations

You can also ask the Spotting World community to consider...

...deleting a page, such as...
...deleting an article (full policy)
...deleting, merging, or renaming a category
...deleting a template (or a stub type)
...deleting images and other media
...moving a page or merging it with another (and how to actually do it)
...protecting a page (full policy)

Resolving disputes

Stay cool!
Be nice to newcomers
Alert others
Request assistance from a members' advocate
Dispute resolution
Arbitration policy

Keeping informed: News

Community Portal – Bulletin board collaborations and updates – TSW's hub of activity.
The Working Timetable – TSW's Newspaper
Regional notice boards


Admin coaching
Administrator nominations
List of administrators
Administration FAQ
Administrator's reading list
Fix cut & paste moves
Page protection

Spotting World culture

TSW users: the people who contribute to TSW
List of TSW users
Projects: where people interested in specific topics work together
List of Projects
Projects category
Collaborations: TSW users focusing on one article for a set amount of time
List of collaborations
TSW humour
Bad jokes and other deleted nonsense
Department of Fun
Unusual articles
Editcountitis: a condition that can be fatal
TSW games

More about TSW

Overview of TSW (All about Train Spotting World)
Category-based access to pages about TSW
Another way to browse help topics
Category:TSW how-to (a full list of help topics)