Help:Adding FAQ answers

From TrainSpottingWorld, for Rail fans everywhere

<Frequently Asked Questions
This page is part of the Frequently Asked Questions help scheme.

How do I add a "Frequently asked question"?

There are several stages:

Stage 1

Make sure that your question is a real Frequently asked question, and that it is not already in the list. This is not a place for any old rubbish, or for duplicates!

Stage 2

Check that your question and your answer are simple to understand and are technically correct to the best of your ability. Check with another contributor here if you are in any doubt.

Stage 3

Decide on a title for the new page you are about to create, and create it in the Help: namespace (the page must start with the characters Help:) and the page name must follow with no intervening space: Help:Adding FAQ answers is the title to the page that makes up this FAQ. The following is mandatory:

At the top of the page, copy and paste


exactly as it appears in the box above.

Stage 4

Immediately below this, create a user friendly heading that is your question. Use a double "==" sign heading for this job. Do not miss this step out. The question name belongs in the article, not in the main FAQ page.

This page has a heading of

==How do I add a "Frequently asked question"?==

In your page you may use all heading types except top-level headings (those created with a single "=" sign), as that type is reserved for the main FAQ page. But remember that all headings will appear in the Table of Contents on the main FAQ page, so use them sparingly.

Do not sign your work. It is not necessary. People who want to contact you will use the history tab anyway

Save your page.

Stage 5

Look at Trains:FAQ. When you know where to put your new FAQ, either add it below a current heading, or create a new top-level heading for it. Top-level headings are created thus:

=Top level heading=

Below that top-level heading, and in the correct place, put the simple code to transclude your new FAQ. The code for this page is

{{Help:Adding FAQ answers}}

but your page will have the name you chose when you created it.

Add a comment to the edit history to say what you have done, preview the page, and, if happy, save it.